Thursday 7 September 2017

Hello again everyone, I trust you are all in good health and ready to come on board for the Unstoppable Journey. As I mentioned in my last Blog Post, anyone who wishes to sample the 1st day of the journey for free can access this at the Unstoppable Facebook page link below
There was a break in between blogs as I returned to the U.K. for our annual family get together in Scotland. This annual gathering of the family allows us to meet up in a relaxed atmosphere and share our past year’s experiences. It is great to be able to keep in touch nowadays through the various social media platforms but as I always say “Nothing beats the Live Show”. As one of my mentors pointed out, he has never seen a laptop cuddle a grandchild or go splashing in the puddles with them!
Next Step in Promoting the Journey
So now I am going to resume this part of the year with some great news. I will be starting another group of Unstoppables on their journey next week. They will embark on the 9 Day “Just Do It Today” program, I am excited about this group as for the first time there will be participants residing in the Philippines who will be coming on board. The Unstoppable Journey is well and truly going Global!!
My philosophy has always been that the more that I can be of service to people and help them to achieve their full potential and in turn help them make their dreams a reality then I know that everything I wish for my family and myself will come my way. A wise man once said that “It is through the act of giving that we receive”. However, the whole point of the exercise revolves round not actually expecting anything in return. It just naturally works itself out.
Another piece of advice which I have received is that there is no such thing as an average person, we all have individually unique skills and attributes. No one person is the same as any other, think about that for a few minutes. There are over 7.5 Billion people on the planet and no two are alike. So, everyone has a special talent all to themselves. It is now time for you to find that talent if you have not done so already, and develop it to its full potential.
Your journey with me will allow you to maximize your gifts and excel in being the best you that you can be!
Please join me and follow me on Facebook.