Monday 4 December 2017


Hello Friends,
Do you want to find out how to make changes in your life that will let you be free from the sense of fear which is holding you back from making a move forward towards fulfilling your dreams?
Do you wake up with great plans for the day ahead and before you are into the first hour of the day you find that the same anxieties and worries about what the day ahead holds cover you like an old blanket?
Are you feeling as though every day is Groundhog Day?
I Have the Solution, Allow Me to Share It With You
Let’s get you up to speed with what you should be considering doing to get into action and discover a new way of living in a positive frame of mind on a daily basis.
On a previous Blog, July 29th, I showed you a preview of the Unstoppable Journey 9 Day program. So, let’s get back to the beginning and get you started again.
Plans for the next day actually begin the evening before.
Here are some tips that you must start to introduce into your daily routine. One of my mentors emphasized to me that I should never take TOMMOROW to bed with me that night.
How can you achieve this? Start with using the few tips below before retiring at night
1.     If you have any important things that you know you have do the following day then write them down, then arrange them in order of their importance, then forget them! But the key to this is you must complete your list before 9pm.
2.     Set aside 15 minutes of your time every evening, sit in a quiet space, preferably a dark room. Relax your mind and think of all the Positive Things that you achieved during the day. This should be done after you have written out the list mentioned above.
3.     If you don’t have a daily Journal/Diary then Start One Now and the very last thing you do before closing your eyes you will write down everything that you were Grateful for during the day.

Upon Awakening
When you wake up in the morning and I suggest that you should make a habit of starting to get up early, this will allow you some Quiet Time to start the morning, it’s a good idea to set aside 15 to 20 minutes for some meditation (If you haven’t tried this ever then now is a good opportunity to start. There are a few Apps available, the one I have used is called Headspace). Then allow another 15/20 minutes in which you will review the list which you completed the previous night and take a look to see if the items on the list are still as important? Also, some new ideas on how you will go about completing some of the tasks may come to you after having a night of rest.
Also write down any new ideas that come into your thinking, they may not even apply to the items on the list. But remember that you will always build your dreams upon Ideas that come through to you.
Okay that’s you all set to have breakfast and get started on the day ahead with a Positive Attitude and remember don’t beat yourself up if you do not manage to complete all the stuff on your list. It’s always about Progress not Perfection.
Remember that you are on an Unstoppable Journey!!
Till the next time, may your God go with you, be safe.

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