Sunday 14 January 2018


Hello Again Friends,
Welcome back to the Unstoppable Coach blog. Since it is New Year, this is a blog with a twist to it.
Have you made any resolutions for the New Year? I have only made one resolution for 2018. But first I would like to pass on a suggestion that has helped me enormously.

If you take the time to understand what words really mean, you will enrich your life to no end. At the start of my Unstoppable Journey my mentor told me to buy a Dictionary/Thesaurus and when I did not understand any word that I came across I was to look it up. I have cultivated this habit and put it into action every time it is required to do so.

A good vocabulary is essential if you are serious about getting ahead in any walk of life. Words really do carry Power. Just take a look around at todays social media networks, everyone is trying to get each other’s attention through using words. You are reading this blog!

Okay, back to the resolution thing.
The word Resolution comes from Resolute and the Oxford dictionary definition of Resolute is as follows: purposeful, determined, and unwavering.

Therefore, if you did make any New Year Resolutions then you must be prepared to follow them through as described in the above definition.
As I already mentioned I have only made one resolution and it is, the removal of people with negative attitudes from my life.

How, you may ask can I do this? That’s easy, I just make sure that I avoid them at all costs. You will know the ones that are not genuinely in need of help.

They are the ones that call you up to moan about their daily drudgery. And end up gossiping about someone else. They should be avoided at all cost.

A friend of mine has taken it a step further and deleted all these types of people from his contact list on his mobile and diverted all of their mail to his junk folder!

Once you have figured out who they are and eliminated from your circle of contacts you will have re-claimed your time and can put it to a more useful and positive purpose.

Speaking about using your time positively I have 5 suggestions that will help you reduce any stress you may be coming up against in your daily journey. Please give them a try and let me know how you get on.

1.      Plan out your day the previous night.

2.      Start the day by focusing on your most important task

3.      Take some rest breaks during the day.

4.      If you come across a difficult situation, talk it over with someone.

5.      Look for lessons in every situation, no matter if they have good or bad outcomes

That’s it about it for this blog, however in the future I will be taking a look at successful people and investigating their stories. I will be uncovering and discovering what were the main motivational drivers behind them that led to them becoming successful and more importantly holding onto what they have accomplished.

Till the next time, take it easy and may your God go with you.

Be Unstoppable

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