Sunday 18 March 2018

Launch of the Unstoppable Web-Site
Last night saw the launch of the Unstoppable Coach web-site. I had been taking my time on releasing the site as I wanted to be sure that there would be enough interest in the Unstoppable Journey to sustain the site.
At the end of the day I reckoned that with one live event here in Dubai already getting good feedback and the second one on the horizon, March 31st in Abu Dhabi it was time to go live!!
I have intentionally kept the site simple, I am not one to clutter up my client’s minds and take up their precious time with long winded explanations. Therefor the site is no frills information about The Journey and how anyone can come on board and take part, first of all in the 9 Day Just For Today journey to find out if they wish to go further and commit to the actual Unstoppable Journey.
I will occasionally be updating the site and will be more than likely incorporating this Blog Post into the site also.
Exciting times ahead, but I will remain focused on providing the best service that I am capable of for all my Unstoppable clients.
So, it only remains to add the link to the website and you are all set to pay me a visit, don’t forget the leave a message and get in touch with me even if you only want a quick chat to see if the journey would be for you.